Ask anyone who runs a multi-location medical practice: it’s no walk in the park.
Everything you need to do at one office, you now have to do at three or four. You need to coordinate schedules for who is going to be staffed at which location, plan for what hours each office will be open, and keep every location in sync and running smoothly so you can best serve your patients no matter where they are.
On top of it all, rather than make it easier, sometimes technology makes it even harder. Three office locations means three times as many computers, each with their own desktops, software, and peripherals. If a user saves something directly onto their computer, when they use a computer at a different office, they realize they don’t have the file they need. If everyone relies on the server at the main office, when the main office’s power or internet connection goes down, every other office grinds to a halt as well.
While there may be no magic bullet to make everything about running a multi-office practice easy, there is one solution that can solve all these IT frustrations and make technology a huge help rather a hindrance.